Letters from VSOs to Leaders

Letters from Veterans Service Organizations to the House Armed Services Committee and the U.S. House of Representatives. They listened.

Veterans Service Organizations seeking justice for Lejeune.

Letter from Veterans Service Organizations to the House Armed Services Committee (Chairman Smith and Ranking Member Rogers) urging them to pass the Camp Lejeune Justice Act.The Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2021 will finally bring relief and justice to the veterans and their families living in North Carolina. It was after these veterans and their families were exposed to hazardous chemicals that the North Carolina legislature set a 10-year span for claims, creating a legal impossibility for these victims. By the time veterans and their families realized they had to seek legal redress for injuries, the time to file for redress had long passed.

Letter from Veterans Service Organizations to the U.S. House of Representatives (Representatives Matthew Cartwright and Gregory Murphy) urging them to pass the Camp Lejeune Justice Act.On behalf of the undersigned, which represents the interests and concerns of well over one million members of the Uniformed Services, their family members, retirees and survivors, we are pleased to offer our support for the H.R. 2192, the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2021.